SED command

Karen Cristine Goncalves, Ph.D.



  • Always start with sed
  • Put commands inside single quotes ''
    • If you want to use a variable, use ""

SED - delete specific lines

If you do not have it, download the file prots.fasta and put it in the folder with the previous classes files.

# delete lines 1 to 10 in ~/blastClass/prots.fasta
wc -l ~/blastClass/prots.fasta
sed '1,10d' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | wc -l

# delete all lines appearing after the line containing Lychi
sed '/Lychi/q' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less

# delete lines containing the word "partial"
sed '/partial/d' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less

In the second case, if the word is not found in the file, the whole file will be printed.

SED - replace words

# In each line of the ~/blastClass/prots.fasta file, replace the first "_" (separates then species from the protein ID)
sed 's/_/ protein /' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less

# In the ~/blastClass/prots.fasta file, replace all "_" (separates then species from the protein ID)
sed 's/_/-/g' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less

sed 's/WORD_SEARCHED/REPLACEMENT/g' input_file

  • s - substitute
  • g - global (everywhere)

SED - replace words in specific lines

Try the command with and without the number 1

# In line 1 of the ~/blastClass/prots.fasta file, replace the first "Agapanthus" in the line
sed '1 s/Agapanthus/Ag_/' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less

# In line 1 of the ~/blastClass/prots.fasta file, replace all "Agapanthus_africanus" 
sed '1 s/Agapanthus/Ag_/g' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less


  • LINE_NUMBER - a digit indicating the number of the line where you want the replacement to occur
  • s - substitute
  • g - global (everywhere)

SED - print only lines replaced

# Replace PF0 with PFAMID PF0, and see which proteins have a match in PFAM
sed -n 's/PF0/PFAMID PF0/p'  ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less
  • -n - do not print lines
  • /p - print lines where replacement occurred
    • Without -n, every line would be printing, with lines replaced being printed twice (once automatically, then because you asked to see the replacement)

SED - write the result to a file

Use w filename

# Replace the ">" in the ~/blastClass/prots.fasta file and save result to ~/blastClass/protsSED.fasta
sed "s/>/Fasta entry /w $HOME/blastClass/protsSED.fasta" ~/blastClass/prots.fasta
  • w - write to file $HOME/blastClass/protsSED.fasta

SED - work with text with REGular EXpressions (REGEX)

Use the option -E: sed -E ''

$ - line end; ^ Line begins

[] - when any character in a list is accepted in the search, put the list inside the []

  • Ex. sed -En '/>[ABC]/p' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta will print lines for proteins of species that start with A, B or C
  • [A-Z] - any upper case letter of the alphabet
  • [a-z] - any lower case letter of the alphabet
  • [0-9] - any number (in grep, same as \d)
  • [A-Za-z0-9] - any letter or number
  • . - any character. Ex.: sed -En '/>A.a/p' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta
  • * - find anything 0 or more times. Ex.: remove anything after the space - sed -En 's/ .+$//g' ~/blastClass/prots.fasta | less
  • + - find the previous character or [] one or more times.
  • {Ns,NE} - find the previous character at least Ns times and maximum NE times
