Differential expression analysis plots

Karen Cristine Goncalves, Ph.D.


Input data and DESeq2 analysis


    cran_packages = c("tidyverse", "patchwork"),
    bioconductor_packages = c("Biostrings", "DESeq2", "ggtree")

theme_classic() %>% theme_set

Code from previous class: Prepare input

counts = read.csv("https://karengoncalves.github.io/Programming_classes/exampleData/Arabidopsis_counts.csv",
                  header = T, row.names = 1)

Code from previous class: Prepare input

counts = read.csv("https://karengoncalves.github.io/Programming_classes/exampleData/Arabidopsis_counts.csv",
                  header = T, row.names = 1)

design_matrix = 
  data.frame(Replicates = names(counts)) %>%
  mutate(Genotype = 
           gsub("_\\d+$", "", 

Code from previous class: Prepare input

counts = read.csv("https://karengoncalves.github.io/Programming_classes/exampleData/Arabidopsis_counts.csv",
                  header = T, row.names = 1)

design_matrix = 
  data.frame(Replicates = names(counts)) %>%
  mutate(Genotype = 
           gsub("_\\d+$", "", 

genes_not_expressed = rowSums(counts) == 0
counts_filtered = counts[ !genes_not_expressed, ]

Code from previous class: Main analysis

deseq_dataset = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
  countData = counts_filtered,
  colData = design_matrix, # colData means data about the columns of the count matrix
  design = ~Genotype # basically: expression in function of the genotype
) %>% DESeq()

Code from previous class: Get the results

results_DESeq2 <- 
  lapply(resultsNames(deseq_dataset)[-1], \(comparison) {
            name = comparison,
            pAdjustMethod = "BH")@listData %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
        Gene_name = rownames(counts_filtered),
        State = case_when(
          log2FoldChange < -2 & padj < 0.01 ~ "Down-regulated",
          log2FoldChange > 2 & padj < 0.01 ~ "Up-regulated",
          .default = "equal"),
        Contrast = comparison
  }) %>%

Check for sample homogeneity

There are two basic ways we can check for sample homogeneity, meaning how similar the replicates of a sample are to each other: principal component analysis (PCA) or clustering analysis.

To perform either of them, we need to use the normalized data, not the read counts.

Normalize counts

You can either use rlogTransformation or varianceStabilizingTransformation for PCA, as they return an object that includes the metadata. The first takes about 5x longer than the second, but results are similar. Check the help page for details on the computation.

To see the transformed counts, you need to run assay on the result.

  • rlogTransformation
rlog_transformed = rlogTransformation(deseq_dataset)
assay(rlog_transformed) %>% head
          Control_1 Control_2 Control_3 Control_4 Mlp37347_1 Mlp37347_2
AT1G01010  6.856238  6.614363  6.614790  6.165110   5.471233   5.796102
AT1G01020  7.337836  7.045180  7.355484  7.501417   7.186908   7.253583
AT1G01030  6.490673  6.253299  6.147981  6.267220   6.017791   6.081412
AT1G01040  9.989951  9.705570  9.593858  9.700406   9.418827   9.425975
AT1G01050  8.486265  8.897727  9.000133  9.285109   8.968637   8.808020
AT1G01060 12.205905 12.287763 12.279939 11.944880   9.507479   9.424758
          Mlp37347_3 Mlp37347_4 Mlp124499_1 Mlp124499_2 Mlp124499_3 Mlp124499_4
AT1G01010   5.535472   5.900682    5.783818    5.766419    6.128911    5.693272
AT1G01020   7.104379   7.029025    7.304103    7.097543    7.095395    7.089999
AT1G01030   6.232429   6.298843    5.790084    5.812633    5.870933    6.115346
AT1G01040   9.402218   9.495822    9.673989    9.839446    9.826400    9.283701
AT1G01050   8.940594   9.085135    8.816797    8.795406    8.148923    9.082900
AT1G01060   9.575817  10.642220   10.511861   10.605765   10.339630   12.211014
  • varianceStabilizingTransformation (VST)
VST_data = varianceStabilizingTransformation(deseq_dataset)
assay(VST_data) %>% head
          Control_1 Control_2 Control_3 Control_4 Mlp37347_1 Mlp37347_2
AT1G01010  7.590094  7.234199  7.235298  6.594604   5.592357   6.065537
AT1G01020  7.590094  7.149626  7.613059  7.822869   7.363027   7.462015
AT1G01030  7.025739  6.670862  6.517423  6.687298   6.327689   6.420063
AT1G01040 10.215535  9.790676  9.620667  9.782615   9.349971   9.360973
AT1G01050  8.335243  8.978957  9.133170  9.552363   9.085613   8.842539
AT1G01060 12.768174 12.878989 12.868370 12.406869   8.429246   8.248008
          Mlp37347_3 Mlp37347_4 Mlp124499_1 Mlp124499_2 Mlp124499_3 Mlp124499_4
AT1G01010   5.660322   6.212961    6.038054    6.014203    6.547341    5.910029
AT1G01020   7.238271   7.122962    7.538112    7.228004    7.224890    7.217355
AT1G01030   6.642055   6.739925    5.976459    6.014203    6.103966    6.469575
AT1G01040   9.323073   9.469278    9.742963    9.991844    9.972339    9.135749
AT1G01050   9.043900   9.260498    8.855706    8.822978    7.784839    9.256563
AT1G01060   8.562044  10.476041   10.264868   10.417590    9.978984   12.774389


DESeq2 offers a function for PCA that takes the result from either of the two functions and returns a ggplot object.

Because of this, we can add things to the plot as if it was a ggplot.

        intgroup = "Genotype", # color samples by
        ntop = nrow(counts_filtered)) #use how many genes for the computation


DESeq2 offers a function for PCA that takes the result from either of the two functions and returns a ggplot object.

Because of this, we can add things to the plot as if it was a ggplot.

        intgroup = "Genotype", # color samples by
        ntop = nrow(counts_filtered)) + #use how many genes for the computation
  labs(color =  "") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("Control" = "black",
                                  "Mlp37347" = "red",
                                  "Mlp124499" = "blue")


Hierarchical clustering is a graphical way to show the pairwise similarity between samples.

We just need to edit the rlog_transformed or the VST_data so that the samples are shown in the rows and the genes in the columns.

distance_data = 
  rlog_transformed %>%
  assay() %>%
  t %>% dist() # default is euclidean

cluster_hc = hclust(distance_data)

Add a heatmap

You can show the dendrogram and the distance matrix in a heatmap

distance_data %>%
  as.matrix %>%
  stats::heatmap(Rowv = as.dendrogram(cluster_hc),
                 symm = T)

Improved heatmap + dendrogram: prepare data

If you want to plot it with ggplot to have more control, you need to do some transformations

# Pivot longer the distance matrix and add the row names
long_distance <- 
  distance_data %>% as.matrix() %>% as_tibble() %>%
  # rownames of the distance matrix are in the attr(ibute) Labels
  mutate(Rep1 = attr(distance_data, which = "Labels")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = !Rep1,
               names_to = "Rep2", 
               values_to = "distance")

Improved heatmap + dendrogram: prepare data

If you want to plot it with ggplot to have more control, you need to do some transformations

# Pivot longer the distance matrix and add the row names
long_distance <- 
  distance_data %>% as.matrix() %>% as_tibble() %>%
  # rownames of the distance matrix are in the attr(ibute) Labels
  mutate(Rep1 = attr(distance_data, which = "Labels")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = !Rep1,
               names_to = "Rep2", 
               values_to = "distance")

# Add a column with the relative distance of the samples
(max_distance = max(long_distance$distance))
[1] 106.0121
long_distance = long_distance %>%
  mutate(Rel_distance = (distance / max_distance) * 100)

Improved heatmap + dendrogram: prepare data

If you want to plot it with ggplot to have more control, you need to do some transformations

# Pivot longer the distance matrix and add the row names
long_distance <- 
  distance_data %>% as.matrix() %>% as_tibble() %>%
  # rownames of the distance matrix are in the attr(ibute) Labels
  mutate(Rep1 = attr(distance_data, which = "Labels")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = !Rep1,
               names_to = "Rep2", 
               values_to = "distance")

# Add a column with the relative distance of the samples
(max_distance = max(long_distance$distance))
[1] 106.0121
long_distance = long_distance %>%
  mutate(Rel_distance = (distance / max_distance) * 100)

# Sort the sample names according to the dendrogram
long_distance$Rep1 = 
         levels = cluster_hc$labels[cluster_hc$order]
long_distance$Rep2 = 
         levels = cluster_hc$labels[cluster_hc$order]

Improved heatmap + dendrogram: plots

  • Tree should not have the tip labels, cause the labels will be the axis of the heatmap
(sample_dendro = ggtree(cluster_hc, 
                        branch.length = "none", 
                        ladderize = F) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 7))

  • Prepare the heatmap without axes titles and remove the text from the x-axis.
(heatmap_distance = long_distance %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_tile(aes(x = Rep1, y = Rep2, fill = Rel_distance)) +
  scale_fill_gradient(high = "white",
                      low = "black",
                      name = "Relative\nDistance (%)") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank()) 

  • Join plots
wrap_plots(sample_dendro, heatmap_distance, 
           widths = c(2, 8))

Plots of gene deregulation

Volcano plots - Basic

Normally, we want to plot the deregulated genes, find patterns among them, etc. The first thing we can plot is a volcano plot for each contrast checked.

It is simply the fold change in the x-axis and the -log10p-adj in the y-axis.

Note that there are cases where the p-value, and thus the adjusted p-value, are NA, so we will create a new variable that replaces NA with 1 (those genes are not deregulated)

(basic_volcanos = results_DESeq2 %>%
  mutate(new_padj = ifelse(is.na(padj), 1, padj)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = log2FoldChange, y = -log10(new_padj),
             color = State, alpha = State)) +
  geom_point() +

Improve aesthetics

basic_volcanos +
  xlim(-10, 10) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "", values =
                       c("Up-regulated" = "red",
                         "Down-regulated" = "blue",
                         "equal" = "grey"))

Improve aesthetics

basic_volcanos +
  xlim(-10, 10) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "", values =
                       c("Up-regulated" = "red",
                         "Down-regulated" = "blue",
                         "equal" = "grey")) +
  scale_alpha_manual(name = "", values =
                       c("Up-regulated" = 1,
                         "Down-regulated" = 1,
                         "equal" = 0.3))

Improve aesthetics

basic_volcanos +
  xlim(-10, 10) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "", values =
                       c("Up-regulated" = "red",
                         "Down-regulated" = "blue",
                         "equal" = "grey")) +
  scale_alpha_manual(name = "", values =
                       c("Up-regulated" = 1,
                         "Down-regulated" = 1,
                         "equal" = 0.3)) +
   labs(x = expression("log"[2]~"Fold Change"),
       y = expression("-log"[10]~"adjusted p-Value")) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Heatmap of deregulated genes - prepare input

In our case, we just have one factor (Genotype) in the design formula, and both contrasts are against the control sample.

So we can modify the table of results to remove the redundant information

results_DESeq2_filtered = results_DESeq2 %>%
  mutate(shortContrast = gsub("Genotype_(\\w+)_vs_Control",
                              "\\1", Contrast)
  ) %>%
  filter(abs(log2FoldChange) > 2 & padj < 0.01)

Now we also want to sort the genes so that the ones with similar deregulation are grouped together. We can use a cluster analysis for that.

But, we need to use a wide table, not a long one, to compute the distance matrix. We will also filter out the genes that are not deregulated, so that the analysis don’t consider non-significant differences.

wide_results =  results_DESeq2_filtered %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = "Gene_name", 
              names_from = shortContrast, 
              values_from = log2FoldChange,
              values_fill = 0) %>%
rownames(wide_results) = wide_results$Gene_name
  • values_fill = 0: after filtering, there will be genes with fold change levels present for only one contrast because they are not deregulated in the other condition. Since in the wide format, we need values for both contrasts, we replace the empty cell with 0.

Heatmap of deregulated genes - gene clustering

Now we can use wide_results in the dist function?

Yes, after we remove the Gene_name column (dist only accepts numbers)

cluster_genes = 
  wide_results[-1] %>%
  dist() %>%

ggtree(cluster_genes, layout = "dendrogram")

Now we just make a column of ordered genes

results_DESeq2_filtered =
  results_DESeq2_filtered %>%
  mutate(orderedGenes = 
                  levels = cluster_genes$labels[cluster_genes$order])

Heatmap of deregulated genes - plot

Whether you plot the genes in the x or in the y axis depends on how readable the plot is in the end (how many genes are deregulated, how many contrasts you have, etc)

results_DESeq2_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = orderedGenes, y = shortContrast, 
             fill = ifelse(abs(log2FoldChange) > 2 & padj < 0.01,
                           log2FoldChange, 0)
  )) +

Heatmap of deregulated genes - plot

Whether you plot the genes in the x or in the y axis depends on how readable the plot is in the end (how many genes are deregulated, how many contrasts you have, etc)

results_DESeq2_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = orderedGenes, y = shortContrast, 
             fill = ifelse(abs(log2FoldChange) > 2 & padj < 0.01,
                           log2FoldChange, 0)
  )) +
    geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_gradient2(name = "Fold change",
                       mid = "white", 
                       low = "midnightblue", 
                       high = "red") 

Heatmap of deregulated genes - plot

Whether you plot the genes in the x or in the y axis depends on how readable the plot is in the end (how many genes are deregulated, how many contrasts you have, etc)

results_DESeq2_filtered %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = orderedGenes, y = shortContrast, 
             fill = ifelse(abs(log2FoldChange) > 2 & padj < 0.01,
                           log2FoldChange, 0)
  )) +
    geom_tile() +
  scale_fill_gradient2(name = "Fold change",
                       mid = "white", 
                       low = "midnightblue", 
                       high = "red") +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        axis.ticks = element_blank())
